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Achieve Internet

Achieve Internet is a leading enterprise software solution provider with over 20 years of development experience. Our core business is providing solutions and services for Google’s Apigee API Management platform.

About the Author

The Goal

StubHub wanted to make their client portal more user-friendly, streamline the client journey, and enhance user engagement.

The Challenge

StubHub lacked system cohesion in their developer environment which resulted in inefficiencies both for the user and the customer.

The Solution

Together, StubHub and Achieve Internet built a developer portal that serves as a "one-stop shop" for all previous external systems.

The Impact

The new API Portal served to improve StubHub’s team collaboration and workflows, enhance the user experience, and create a rich environment for developers and external users to engage with the brand.


The Goal: Boosting Engagement Across the Board

StubHub is one of the largest online ticket exchange companies, providing services for both buyers and sellers of tickets to sporting events, concerts, and entertainment. They see over 16 million unique page views and service 10 million live shows per month.

StubHub wanted to make their client portal more user-friendly, streamline the client journey, and enhance user engagement.

Making their developer portal user-friendly for all of their clients was another target for their new portal. It was important to categorize clients based on their needs & requirements. Depending on their needs, some users may only require access to simpler tasks or trials, while others may require access to more advanced products and documentation.

Finally, they wanted their new API portal to mirror their brand. The old developer portal design lacked character, and there was no focus on user engagement.

The Challenge: Working With Too Many Data Sources

The team at StubHub was using products, processes, websites, and systems outside of their organization. This created a lack of system cohesiveness in their developer environment which promoted inefficiencies to both the user and the customer journey.

StubHub wanted access to all of these systems on one single platform to streamline the journey for their clients and partners. Building a developer portal that brought together all of these different products and resources was a challenge because with so many different tools being used, it required expertise in all of them to pull and adapt the data flow.

The Solution: Bringing It All Together

StubHub and Achieve Internet’s experts worked together to create a single API portal that brought all their external systems together.

Achieve Internet implemented custom tiered level management for its customers. The access levels that customers have now are based on their individual needs: new clients have access to standard products, and as they grow, they can upgrade to higher level products, while current and larger clients can upgrade to new products.

Achieve Internet applied StubHub’s branding throughout their API portal by working closely with StubHub’s designer to ensure their message was consistent with the overall brand.

The Impact: A Fully Functional All-In One Portal

Partnering with Achieve Internet, StubHub was able to bring everything in-house, creating a better, more personalized experience for everyone involved. StubHub's team collaboration increased with streamlined processes and led to a dramatic improvement in workflow.

As a result of Achieve Internet's expertise, StubHub now has a ‘one stop shop’ for all the previous external systems used by the company.

Bringing APIs Under One Roof: StubHub’s One-Stop Shop

A developer portal that leveraged StubHub's APIs and accelerated the ticketing giant on their Digital Transformation Journey.

2 min read

By: Achieve Internet on Dec 05, 2018

Reach out to our team today to learn more about how we can help you take your organization to the next level through impactful digital transformation initiatives and advanced API portals


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